It's not only the Character names that have made me laugh out loud but some of the dialog. I'd like to now share with you some of my favorites so far:
Huey: I got an idea - why don't we go to college so we don't end up like Gangstalicious?
Riley: It's like going to heaven and finding God smoking crack.
Cristal: The name's Cristal, you know like the Champagne.
Huey Freeman: Cristal, that sounds like a stripper name. Might you be a stripper, Cristal like the champagne?
Cristal: And what would you know about strippers little man?
Huey Freeman: Not much, but I do know they're usually named after liquor.
Ed Wuncler: It smells like hot Armpit on wheat bread.
However the thing that made me post was a reading of 2 proposed “dishes” from the menu for a restaurant called “The ITIS” :
Sausage and waffles and fried chicken breakfast lasagna
Bacon wrapped chitlins stuffed catfish
The rest just needs to be seen.
I would like some bacon wrapped chitlins stuffed catfish - BTW, you're way late to the game on this one brotha