Saturday, July 2, 2011

ish i think is cool 7.2.11 edition

the allwhere netherverse is a great big wet dangerous world of twisting cypress trunks, flat bottomed boats, treble hooks and fierce alligators ready to snap into your… wait…no, wait… I'm sorry. I was just having a Swamp People flashback. But, the net is pretty scary too.

Now I shall attempt to infotain you with a scraping of some of the creamiest gems I’ve tripped, skipped and stumbled upon here in the last (insert time unit of choice here). I hope that you enjoy them as much as I have.
I’ll get started with a sampling of eye-candy for your ears. I happened across live performances by some pretty well-known bands preforming some pretty well-known songs by some pretty well-known other bands and performing them well, pretty well themselves.
The first up is this vid [ ] it’s Weezer performing Radiohead’s “paranoid android’. I think they pretty much nailed it. Makes you wonder what else they could peg. Maybe some Peeping Tom or Godsmack? If anybody knows them personally please pass the idea on to them. But tell ‘em I sentcha!

A while back I saw a vid of Arcade Fire performing their sonic masterpiece “Wake Up” live with the ever-awesomer David Bowie on lead vocals. I didn’t think I’d ever see a more (pardon the pun) fiery rendition than that performance. Then I came across a vid of that song being elevated by the phenomenal 1-2 punch of John Legend with the Legendary Roots Crew. Good Gravy!!!! WHEW! See it here > [ ] If you’d like to get some more of the magic that happens when JL sits in with the Roots, then stop by here [ ] and listen to them performing live on NPR’s World Café program. It’s definitely worth the drive over. Their take on “Hard Times” was looping on my phone for several days.

Now, if you prefer your pretty-well-known people-related awesomity to be chock fulla funny, then u need to head on over to Nice Peter’s YouTube channel [ ] and watch a few of the “epic rap battles of history” spots. I can almost guarantee that something there will make you laugh. I started off with #3 (Abe Lincoln vs. Chuck Norris) but you can begin with any of them.

The netherverse is packed full of useful information. Ok, it’s packed full of..umm…er…nevermind. let’s just say that it’s packed. This being said, whenever I need to know the real deal about something, I don’t go to Wikipedia (well sometimes I do) no sirreebob, I go to the speaker of truth. I go to because he dispenses knowledge that you can really use in life. For instance, someone named, “lowfatjellydoughnut” asked him about ninja –proofing their soon to be arriving child’s nursery. Check out the golden nuggets he offered to them here > [ ] and you can take that to the bank.

The last bit of ish that I think is cool for this edition is a response from my cousin-in-law when I jokingly asked about having a party at their soon to be finished home. It went a little something like this:

“ME: so....what bands are playing the house warming bar-b-q music festival and fireworks weekend spectacular? and i just mean what headliners...not the local opening bands.

Him: Mudhoney is going on first, but they're doing nothing but Tony Orlando & Dawn covers.
Mike Patton will debut his 45-minute interpretive dance entitled, "Jonathan Livingston Alka-Seltzer."
We'll wrap the evening up with a Minnie Pearl look-a-like contest and ferret chariot racing, set to the golden sounds of Deerhoof performing, "The Smash Hits of Falcon Crest: Vol. IV."


So until next time…

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