Saturday, March 19, 2011

BakeBake (a retelling of the story)

Just had the most amazing dream where the main character was this guy who held 2 passions in life: finding neon colored skater type shoes at Payless and this reality-style video game he’s designed where u sit around and bake things (yeah really) called “BakeBake”
(but wait, there’s more…)

well one day he’s distracted by his biker-jacket fetishist buddy, and his game prototype is stolen by these 2 slightly pregnant chain-smoking ex-strippers.
They try to sell the game to somebody and get laughed at to the point that they blame the main guy for it all and confess that it, “was all his big stupid idea”

This plan backfires on them because a big game company hires a film company to make a movie about the whole scenario, ...xcept they make the main character into a katana wielding, white tux wearing, ninja/spy/celebrity super assassin (a celebrity who is an assassin , not one who kills celebrities) who loves to wind down at the end of a day of ninja fighting foes and saving mysterious documents and ish by playing his favorite game [now called “The Oven Bake”] where in order to win the game you have to successfully bake super fancy muffin-tinned eats.
The movie features all sorts of big names. Schwarzenegger, Britney Spears, the guy who played the picked on friend from BASEketball, and others I can’t remember anymore. Oh and there was a dog that was half Pomeranian/ half Chihuahua (spastic and was always freaking people out)
It’s times like this when I’d like to be able to videotape my dreams.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Ears on fire! 3.15.11 edition (candyrat)

Ewan Dobson!
Son of a (expletive deleted)ing (expletive deleted) on a (expletive deleted)ing pogo stick!!!!!
I came across this video [ ]
How does he make an acoustic sound like that?!!??!?!??!???!??
After watching it about 15 times and checking out his myspace page [ ] I decided to play “link-frog” ( it’s kinda like leapfrog ‘cept with links. Ya know one link leads me to another link leads me to another link and so forth.)
Well, my 2nd frog landed me here:
I was stunned nearly unconscious by the harmonics around 1:47 into the tune and had he not repeated the part at around the 2:40 mark, I would still doubt that I had seen/heard it. Then this happened [ ]
After about an hour of just this guy freaking I thought I should avoid having my head explode by listening to someone else.
Which led me to frog over to this guy:"Jimmy Wahlsteen - Rapid Eye Moment"[ ].
So much for the head not exploding.
Then I noticed that both of these guys are on a label called Candyrat. []
The amount of talent showcased by this label is PRODICULOUS!
Just load the Candyrat solo acoustic guitar playlist [] and listen until u either have to stop to practice, stop to weep, or stop to apologize to your guitar for abusing up until now and not allowing it to live up to it's fullest potential.
It’s difficult to even write this posting whilst listening to this playlist because I want to tell u about everything; such as the "Don Ross - Crazy (Gnarls Barkley)" clip or the "Antoine Dufour - To Run in a Dream" clip where I'm almost positive that I saw the spirit of Michael Hedges dance and sing.
Each of the vids is worth the listen.
In fact I'm going to go back to listening now.
(tabs are available at the candyrat website if u wanna attempt any of this)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

no burger for me...

So there I was riding shotgun as jon favreau drove a late model 4-door truck of some kind.
He was sipping water thru a straw out of a clear insulated cup and the scene began with him saying, “…and the funny thing is that he really was chasing Uncle Ryan.” We both kinda laugh (him moreso than me) and then I tell him that that sounds like something I’d write down and then later make a movie about in my head.
He became amused. “You can make a whole movie out of 3 words? Ha, I’d like to see that work.”
So I begin, “Well, it goes down like this. Stars 2 kids fresh outta high school. It’s the summer b4 the go off to college. 2 cousins, Buckley “Buck-Buck” Peterson and Tumeric (yes his parents were wannabe hippie ravers) “Tumer” Sanders have their weekend set for them. Their parents are gone for a few days (of course they’ll luckily get hung up somehow later in the movie) to a couples retreat and have let the 2 cousins to stay at one of their homes with the charge of watching their parents’ physically very able, yet not always mentally connected much older Uncle Ryan who has a history of wandering off if not monitored. The plan is to just deadbolt themselves into the house and have a few days of pizza and chinese delivery to fuel their online first person shooter festivals (or rock band or dj hero or whatever game is the newest at the time.) this is all fine and good…until on day 2, one of the boys gets an onscreen notification that this girl he’s had the hots for just found out that she is moving across the country and really wanted to “say her good-byes” b4 she left. What to do, what to do? Turns out that she is going that day to a local amusement park for the day and night to see a concert by (insert up and coming yet not super well known artists here). The poor decision to take Uncle Ryan to an amusement park is made. Of course just after they get there and have a instant message convo with the girls, they look up and uncle Ryan has wandered off. Thus it begins. Of course Uncle Ryan is wearing a local sports team jersey and it’s that team’s biggest game of the year that day so 65% of the people there are wearing the same ish that Ryan is. Oh no… so the day unfolds with they boys narrowly missing catching up with uncle Ryan over and over whilst also trying to hook up with the girls for the one’s “good-bye session” it all apexes with the couples literally bumping into/ falling all over each other at the same time as Uncle Ryan wandering on stage to launch the concert by yelling, ‘RELEASE THE KRACKEN!!!!’
The 4 kids all get to go up on stage/backstage afterwards and all get signed shirts and such. All ends well. The girl decides to tell the guy that if he’s willing to wait, she’ll bring him back the best Christmas present ever. So the movie kinda ends there. Fades anyway. Then opens on Christmas season with a knock on a door. The one cousin opens it to find the girl standing there. She opens her full length coat to display a t-shirt that has a large bow printed on it above the words, ‘merry Christmas, unwrap this!’. He pulls her into the door and slams it. Fade to the other cousin getting a delivery in the mail. He opens it and laughs. The camer pans to show that it is the new cd from ‘that band from the summer’. On the cover is Uncle Ryan fist in the air on stage at that summer show. He pulls out the booklet and starts flipping thru it. Cue credits. The pages of the booklet are scenes from the movie and are also the closing credts. Things totally end with a video of the band on stage somewhere with Uncle Ryan wandering around the stage. He runs and stage dives. Shot stops with him in mid air. Crowd cheers screen goes black.”
Favreau takes a sip of water, says a very short yet very profane sentence about 3 words and then pulls into a drive thru. He orders a burger and tells me that I'm paying for it.
When we get to the window, he pulls out a credit card and hands it to the cashier. When they hand it back, he hands it to me. It’s just a Visa gift card. He tells me, “I’ll trade ya this for that story.”
I ask him how much is on it.
He simply says, “just try and max it out.” We drive off. No burger for me…

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Ears on fire! 3.2.11 edition

Was just given the gift of song by good friend Danimal Thompson. It’s from his newest sonic development, “Two Goats and Their Money “ which, in addition to Dan, features the creative minds of Andrew Dawson (who you may remember from Anhedron) and Christopher Branco .
I was told that it’s the last track of about a 47 minute piece of music written by Chris B. that for now is simply called, “track 10”

Upon first listen, I thought, “nice multi-ethnic vibes“

Upon 4th listen I thought…
I really like it.
It’s very …moustached man in a convertible with barefooted, sundressed female curled up in the passenger seat driving along coastal highway in a European town.
Life is probably in black & white and this audio has replaced the actual audio of reality.
U can clearly watch the scene as the guy looks over at the female, makes a sound of amused concern and then hears this music in his head as the waves crash over nearby rocks.
His only thought is, "will i be in time?"
Yet he is not speeding as he drives. He doesn’t want to disturb this moment.
And yes…he will be on time.
To view this sonic vignette, visit the following link:
"Track 10"


ps if the link doesn't work: