Monday, April 28, 2014

little girl blue v3

little girl blue come back to the dance.
the storms are all passing so now is the chance
to step up and smite all those calling u down,
soiling your cloak and denying your crown.
teach them the meaning of righteous regret.
invade their dreams and replace them with fret.
shine definitions of vengeance and ire.
come dance; they are ash; devoured by your fire

Little girl blue v4

Little girl blue with eyes of dusk
And wit skull dry, pierce like a tusk
Through every silly sad disguise.
unmask the charlatans. Their lies
Of soured honey drip from lips
Twist valentines to arrow tips.
And all the while they sing, 'adore.
My heart, my soul, tis yours!' Implore to bury one inside another.
Makes grave of one and corpse the other.
So wind up not gilded in cage.
Hath single passion and be that rage.